Here are some character designs and illos from a freelance project I did. I included some revised characters. They are simple illos because they are going to be used in power point presentations, that's why there's a lot of pointing going on. My aim was to create characters of various ages and race, male and female. I wanted the race to be somewhat ambiguous so nobody would fell left out.
I worked with this client a while back and they loved what I did for them. At the time, I liked what I did. Looking back...GEEZ! I hate what I did! They wanted the newer materials to be like the older stuff so I am tweaking the older characters as I need to draw them with newer ones.
Looking at this again I gotta say a little more. It's simple, but soooooo cool. and CLEAN. Man, I can see these babies moving in a flash animation for SURE. How did you create them? Photoshop? Illustrator? I expecially love the BACKGROUND info and the props you did.
Hey Rob, great blog man, lets do links???
Thanks Elgin and Niall!! Let's link it up!
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